sobota, 17 września 2016


Jak się sprzedaje auto w Doha? W teorii nic prostszego, w praktyce krew buzuje mi w żyłach jak rury po wlaniu kreta. Piszą, dzwonią, pytają, ale nie koniecznie o samochód. Bo przecież to że sprzedaję moją ukochaną Hondę, może również znaczyć, że np.jestem niezamężna i chętnie oprócz bzdurnej rozmowy o aucie, pójdę też chętnie na obiad a najlepiej na kolację. Desperacja nie zna granic. Widzisz a nie grzmisz.

"Hi, I'm Gloria pelaez from the Philippines. I'm planing to re-locate to you country to build orphanage home and to invest on schools, hospital/agricultural..e.t.c. I would like you to forward your email address to me so that i can fully introduce myself and to also tell you more about my business proposal to you. You can as well email me on..."

Greetings from Syria!
I am Hala Basil (Widower) from Aleppo Syria but now living in Syrian city of Azaz near the Syria–Turkey border.
I'm contacting you to know if we can have a personal conversation. Whatever truth you may brief me will be highly recommended. Tell me more about your country, how good it will be to invest in your country. Such as buying of properties or any profitable investment venture that will yield good profits
I will appreciate whatever result, you may brief me. Do let me know your idea and knowledge regarding this or any other profitable investment venture you may suggest. I am interested in investing my holdings in your country which will enable me to emigrate from Syria to there
I look forward to reading from you at your earliest convenient time.
Mrs. Hala Basil
Azaz, Syria"

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